
Altru. was born from my belief in altruism and passion to give back to the community.

Outlined below is the full UX design process, from the problem to the solution, including user research, wireframing and prototype. This was the final project for my UX Design course at Brainstation.

Welcome to the Altru. community, a network of volunteers and organizations.

Altru. recognizes the importance of networking in the volunteer space and offers a social platform for volunteers seeking opportunities and organisations offering them.

Users are able to connect with fellow volunteers and organizations, share or recommend opportunities, events and content, provide feedback and shout out champion volunteers or organizations that are doing great work.

Altru. is a community of like-minded people. 

With a comprehensive search function, volunteers are able to find tailored opportunities that align with their interests, skills and volunteering motivations and goals. Filters make it easy to narrow down results based on location, availability and other relevant factors such as virtual experiences.

Altru. is your one-stop shop for volunteering. 

Five people were interviewed on their volunteering experiences.

Motivations, behaviours and pain points were analysed and consolidated from the research.


  • Volunteering is meaningful and a way to give back to the community.

  • Having an impact and seeing tangible benefits

  • Professional and personal development, gaining new skills and experience

  • Opportunity to understand and learn more about particular industries or sectors


  • Seek opportunities that utilize skills and experience, align directly with goals, and support professional and personal development

  • Build relationships with people and grow a network

  • Social media and direct-to-source are some of the main tools to find volunteer work 

Pain Points

  • Difficulty finding opportunities particularly that utilise the individuals’ unique skills and align with personal goals 

  • Organisations do not make it clear from the beginning how much time is required

  • The recruitment process is not well defined and takes too long 

User Personas

From the user research, two user personas were created.

Initial sketches

Onboarding wireframes

Discover screen wireframes

Filter pop-up wireframes


A clickable prototype focusing on the onboarding process of the Altru. app




Infographics & Animated Videos